Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Some Catchin Up To Do

It's been quite a while since I last wrote, practically 2 months to be exact. It's just that our life has been preeeettty boring. We go to work, Kohn goes to school, and we repeat. Sometimes we get an occasional Jamba, but that's about as exciting as it gets right now. Oh and we're primary teachers. But we have exciting things in store.

We PLAN to hike lots this summer, and go on bike rides, and night runs. We wanna go to the Lake, and we want to go backpacking. We want to run every 5k we can possibly imagine. I've never realized just how much I love summer until recently. Winter is seriously boring, because #1, I hate being cold, and #2, there are limited things to do in the winter that are enjoyable.

We did go skiing one time...on the bunny hill I felt like I had it in the bag, and then we went to a hill a little (a lot) more extreme. It all went downhill from there. My hips have never hurt so bad from all the snowplowing I did. There was actually a point where I took my skis off (well one was already off because of a nice biff) and just walked down part of the mountain. I definitely learned something about myself that day, and that is that I like to have control. Yeah, I know none of you are shocked haha but at least I realize it now.

Anyway, my point was, there are limited things I can do to have fun in the winter. More power to those who can ski and be good at it.

Also, there's been a little change in our plans that we had for the next 2 years. The plan was to do the same thing we're doing now until Kohn goes to PT school, in hopefully Colorado. But anyways, we were going to work the same jobs, Kohn was going to continue to do his school and it was all going to be great. Well, now, I actually think I'm going to go back to school.

I've become slightly obsessed with Grey's Anatomy and any medical show I can find...and it has made me want to do something medical. But because my gag reflexes can only handle so much my options are very limited. So, I've chose to be an MA (Medical Assistant). I'd be the girl who called your name at a doctors appointment, weighed you, and took your vitals ;) haha but really...it sounds fun to me and I think I'd really enjoy doing it! I don't know when it's going to happen but Kohn and I are figuring things out so it can happen in the next little while.

I wish I had something more exciting to say, but I don't. I don't even have cool Spring Break stories to tell. Because Spring Break was spent working. Wow, we are too exciting for our own good.

We are taking off to Salt Lake for the weekend to celebrate Kohn's birthday though, so that will be fun! And we will be taking a trip to Colorado in May for Shawn and Jen's wedding! And David, Angela, and Jaxon will be living in Weston for the summer. So I guess we do have some things to look forward to! I guess we just need to get through the boring parts. And we need to get through them fast.

Any-who, that's about all I've got for now. Maybe I'll write again soon. Maybe not.

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