Thursday, December 29, 2011

NEW year, NEW goals, NEW, NEW, NEW!

Alright, so I know some people hate the whole idea of new year resolutions...because they all say that we should be able to make a change when it is needed rather than wait for the new year! Okay, I completely agree with this. But having something like a NEW year is a nice good kick in the butt to get moving and making things happen! So I'm excited to make my list of resolutions! If it was the middle of July and I was realizing these changes needed to happen, then I would start to make them happen then, but I'm realizing it now, and the new year is right around the corner. Perfection.

Recently my friend, Haley Larson, started a blog. She got this cute idea from pinterest! Something about 365 things you're thankful for! So...I kinda really liked the idea and am gonna see if it's possible for me to do it too! The goal here is to write a blog post every day, and each day include something new that I'm thankful for! I'm pretty excited to get it started! I already know what day #1 will be all about! ;)

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now, like there are a lot of things that need some serious reconstruction in my life. But...with the help of my wonderful husband I know we'll be able to get an organized list all put together and work towards one thing at a time, making it seem not so overwhelming! And it'll all happen! I'm hoping to get the list put together either tonight or tomorrow, or even Saturday! Just before Sunday rolls around! Here's just a brief preview....:

1. Lose the wedding weight. Seriously. It is no lie that you get comfortable living with your husband and sort of just let yourself go. Sort of like the freshman 15 is no lie either. Promise. I haven't gained a ton, but I am not where I want to be. So, all I'm saying is I want to make a healthy goal to reach my ideal weight, what I was when I graduated---110. And that's fine, because I really didn't graduate that long ago! Haha ;) that the world knows, I feel a bit more accountable. So let's lose 10 pounds! But be healthy about it! Ready go!

2. Let things go. ie: the past. The past is gone, over with, DONE. I just need to let it allllll go. I thought I had, but recently have been learning I haven't. So. The goal is to learn how to move on and live in the now, not the then.

3. I want to run a full marathon! That may not happen THIS year, but it will happen, so this year I will start preparing for it! And I'll start preparing for great things like RAGNAR and EPIC and all those fun races! Basically, I just want to be a runner again! So bring it on! :)

4. Right this very second our apartment is not looking so lovely. We have some fabulous dishes waiting to be done. And some floors that need vacuumed, and so forth and so on. The goal is to be a better housekeeper. Really, not be lazy. I want to get the house work done before I worry about what is going on in the social world. Haha. And here I am, on the computer...getting ready to post to Facebook...nice. Just decided: I will be going on a Facebook fast starting January 1! Other than to post my blogs! ;)

5. I want to make my bed every morning.

6. I want to have enough time in the morning to get ready so that I don't leave the bathroom a mess in the rush to leave on time.

7. I want to pray every morning and night with my sweet husband, and still do my own individual prayers.

8. I want to be a bit more patient with my cute little day care kids.

9. I want to have some pretty awesome, successful preschool lessons.

10. I want to be more organized.

11. I want to be more family oriented.

12. I want to catch up with old friends.

13. I want to be able to say hi to people from the past without feeling awkward.

14. I want to get AT LEAST 45 minutes of exercise in 6 days a week, maybe 5.

15. I want my testimony to grow. I want to fully understand the Book of Mormon.

There are soooo many things I want to do. Many changes I want to make. You can see why my list is a bit overwhelming. FIFTEEN things? step at a time. That's all I can do, and doing it that way will make it happen! I just need to keep remembering that! I think that I'll kind of keep an update of my goals on here because as I mentioned before it means: ACCOUNTABILITY. I don't know who all reads this, but I do know some people do. So whoever reads this, thanks! Make sure I stick to my word and get my goals accomplished :)

I'm grateful for all this last year has brought me! With this year came new friendships, new family, my eternal companion, new understandings, new goals, and just so many great things! I've had some hard lessons learned, but the lessons are definitely blessings! I'm thankful for new chances and all of the inspiring people in my life! I hope we all finish the year off with a bang and can make some goals to better ourselves!


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mommy's Day Out....Also, someone talk me out of chopping my hair off!

My thoughts...for my day care! When we were in Kentucky one of the members told me about this! Kids come and go as they want, under mom's supervision of course, but it's pretty organized. Mommy has one day she takes for herself and leaves the kiddo's with me! She said it worked out really well and the lady doing it made baaaaank. Yes, please. One day...when Kohn is a successful physical therapist and we have a good sized house this WILL HAPPEN. Anyways...

MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS! I loved my first Christmas with my hubby! It was perfect...and we totally cheated! We opened presents on Christmas Eve, but ya know turned out perfect! Because then we spent the rest of the day with family watching our cute nieces and nephew opening presents! Oh and then there were the two presents at Kohn's parents house for me...that were all wrapped like 20 times! Haha funny, funny Momma Kohn!!! Christmas was just perfect! We spoiled each other, we ate good food, and we finally just got to relax and be lazy and be with all the family that we love so much! We got to finish the day off by celebrating Aunt Lynette's birthday! I always love spending some good time with the crazy Turnbow family I belong to!

Oh! We finally got our fish! We named her Dot! Because she has one scale missing and so it makes a black dot. Kohn came up with it, I thought it was cute, so that was that! We love her! We're even thinking of getting her a little friend! Hopefully we pick a boy...or whatever "she's" not! Hahaha.

I have SOME pictures. Of our cute Christmas decorations! And some pictures of Kentucky. We were total slackers in Kentucky though and didn't take very many. So I guess we'll just share what we've got.

 Eating my first, well second, Krispy Kreme! My first one was a few minutes before. A nice, warm original glazed donut! Oh so good! 
 Joe and Kayla! Just lovin them some donuts! 
 Amanda! The little baker herself. I'm sure she could top Krispy Kreme if she wanted to! 
 Our lovely hostess, Kim! She is one of the sweetest ladies I know! I instantly fell in love with the family!
 My precious husband eating his donut...
 The taste was so divine that we wouldn't even stop eating for a there you have it...
 Folks, this is where Sea Biscuit was filmed! And I'm pretty sure we weren't supposed to be on the track...but whatever. 
 One day I will watch a derby and there will be people around instead of cold nothingness.
 I think he's pretty cute...
 At the doc's office saying bye! Kentucky's finest! Miss them much, can't wait to go back!
 We were taking a tour at Churchill Downs, where the Kentucky Derby takes place, and this cute horse was practicing! 
 The famous Kentucky Derby! 
 First derby was like a million years ago...I really want to go to one!
 Our stockings, and to the left there is Kohn's candy train station! 
 Just flattening the my cute apron. 
 No fish...we had this bowl for like a month looking this way! 
 Our delicious Christmas Eve dinner, which tasted fanastic! I did the salad...
 Merry Christmas!
 And there's our cute fish, Dot!
 At Churchill Downs!
 He looks good on a horse!
 Our first Christmas tree...and some unfinished decor in the background!
My amazing husband cooking our Christmas Eve dinner! He spoils me, I love him!

Also, something else that was pretty great that happened...

We got a new beautiful baby niece! Roxie Jade Ward! We love her so much!

I'm feeling rather boring lately, and want to chop my hair off. I always have this problem when I plan on growing it out. So someone talk me out of it so I can see what it's like to have long hair...please and thanks.

The new year is coming...time to get a list of resolutions coming ;) but seriously...I think it's a good kick to get some good things accomplished. 

Life is good, I am blessed! 

Happy Holidays! 

Monday, December 5, 2011

1 Month Down, Zillions To Go...and SUPER Excited About It! :)

Today is December 5th, we got married November 5th....and can I just say that the last month FLEW! And the funny thing is...I still don't feel married. I wake up to Kohn every morning but still....nothing. I just live with this guy, pack his lunches, do his dishes...haha all that good stuff. But I AM MARRIED. Maybe it'll hit me eventually! :) I just wanted to take a minute here to just express how blessed I am to be married to the man I am married to. He is so incredible. Kohn is super thoughtful, caring, and really just wants me to be happy. And you can sure bet I am way happy! :)

We're still on the honeymoon so we haven't had to deal with anything huge yet, so we still like each other ;) we're going to Kentucky in 12 days, practically 11 :) I cannot wait to meet all the people he loves and talks so highly about all the time! And really I'm just excited to hear them talk, I love that twang! :) I'm excited to travel with my love and just relax! For once! Since we only got a weekend after we got married this whole week in Kentucky is very much needed and it cannot get here soon enough! And then we get back and celebrate CHRISTMAS! Our first Christmas married, let alone together! Haha pretty much every first holiday together is spent married, other than like Halloween and all the summer holiday's, but barely!

Our Christmas tree is looking pretty great! The 4 presents has evolved to...TONS! I don't feel like counting! But I'd say we've definitely spoiled each other, and it's for sure been fun! Thanks for all the generous wedding money, you have made Christmas possible for Kohn and I ;) plus the fact that we both have jobs, we are pretty lucky!

Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we're here for something else besides ourselves.

I love my Kohn! :) 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It Is Better To Look Up

I am blessed! I have been blessed with so much more than I deserve. Life is, life is fabulous! Heavenly Father is there for each and every one of us, constantly! We just have to let Him in and turn to Him when we need Him. blessed are we to have this AMAZING gospel? To have the knowledge we have, to know the truth and to know we can make it through life because we are not going to feel sorrow, pain, and all those "unfun" feelings we feel, for the rest of our lives. Those feelings will end, so long as we are faithful to our Heavenly Father and live the best lives we can live. There is such a big, wonderful picture in mind! Life is only a little test, definitely one that will be worth passing! So don't give up! If you are faced with something that seems too hard to handle, get on your knees and pray! You will make it through! Heavenly Father knows each of us better than anyone, he knows what we can and cannot handle, and he won't give us anything we can't handle. Example? Okay.

Remember how a month or so ago I was SUUUUPER excited I got the job at ICON. Well, my friends, it was a lot harder than I ever expected it to be. People are mean, and I have a soft heart so I sometimes let it get to me even though it was nothing towards me personally, just someone upset that their very expensive equipment was not working for them. But still, I had a hard time. I starting LIVING for the weekends and as soon as the weekend ended I was sick to my stomach and it was just a bad deal. I would get nervous as I drove to work and as I answered phone calls. It shouldn't be that way. So, I started looking for something new. I know, I had only been at ICON for a short time...but I'm not a quitter. I stuck it out until I KNEW I had a new job. And it was hard to do for that long. But I did. And trust me people, if you had a job that made you not want to go to sleep at night because sleeping makes the next day come faster, you'd do the same. Anyways...I now get to work at a day care! I am SO stoked! And at this day care I get to do preschool lessons! Um hello, that's what I want to do! And I haven't even graduated from college yet. But, I will in April! :) And then I can get my CAD, Child's Associate Degree. And I don't have to pay for it! Helllllllooooo! Score! With that certificate I can do even more with kid's than what I'm already lucky enough to do! Oh oh oh! And I don't have to worry about working on Saturday's or holidays! Which was a concern with the other. Let's just say I'm pretty much excited!

Today was my last day at ICON. And I had the perfect call to end my job there. I was speaking with a man from Arkansas. And he asked where we are located, so I told him---Logan, Utah. He snickered and was like  "Oh that's Mormonville there huh?" I laughed and said it sure was! He then proceeded to ask me if I was LDS. I proudly said I was. And THEN...he said he was too!!! Do you realize how HAPPY this made me?!? No wonder he was one of my nicer customers! Like I said, he was in Arkansas, and I have no connections with Arkansas whatsoever but he told me that the church is growing pretty quick there and it made me smile sooooo big and it just made my whole entire day! Oh missionary work, how I love you! I am so excited to serve a mission with Kohn when we are old geezers! :)

Oh I'm so excited to love my job! I'm excited to not have dramatic break downs every Monday night! I'm excited to be sleeping at 4 am!!! Yesssss! Life is grand, my friends.

I am happy. I suppose it TIS the season to be jolly! :) I'm ecstatic to spend my Christmas with my husband! Our apartment is getting all decorated up for the holiday season, we be loving it! But, it still has boxes and bags all over. There is no room to put anything. One day, soon, we will get it all taken care of so that I really  can post pictures of our cute apartment! Preferably with our Christmas decorations all over! :) We have 4 presents wrapped and under the tree so far, and wouldn't you know it, they are all for Kohn! Haha I love Christmas shopping, what can I say! Oh, we went to Forgotten Carols last night! I'm pretty sure it was my first time seeing it, however my parents told me I've seen it before. I don't think so though. Anyway, I loved what I saw last night! The music was great, I was in love with Jordan Bluffs, or whatever his last name was, voice! I want the CD! And I'm excited to go again next year!

Well, now I am going to wrap this up and go clean mi casa. Because I want to post pictures and I want it to be CLEAN! Off to be a good wifey! :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I am thankful for....chicken?

Alright, I'm braggin. Spanish Chicken-turned out DELISH! The White Chicken Chili---also quite fabulous! And the meal last night...Poppyseed Chicken, fluff (a mandarin orange salad), veggies, and rolls...fantastic! I think we like chicken. Haha just a lot! It's Friday now soooo, it's date night! So my dear husband is going to treat me to a delicious dinner at Rumbi's, which is a favorite memory and favorite food place if you all remember! First date, delicious food....mmmmhmmm.! Excited to go back! :)

Wanna know what else is exciting?! Okay, I'll tell ya! Next semester I only need to take 5 classes...and then I should be good to go to graduate with my associates degree in April! :) yessss! And then...well I won't bring up what the options after that are until a few things do or don't happen. Just cross your fingers that they do happen, and maybe say a lil prayer for me. Please and thanks :)

Homework is a drag. And to just make it even better...I was getting ready to do my science lab, that is due tonight, at 11. But then I pulled it up and it wasn't downloadable or anything like that, and instructions said to print it and then scan it and submit the copy in the assignments tab...well folks, we don't have a printer! Isn't this just dandy? Maybe I'll just take the grade cut...ugh. How inconvenient. Plus, I am in the "computer room" while Kohn is out at the kitchen table studying his little heart out. This is not fair, I just want to be spending a good Friday evening with him! Oh well, we are leaving for dinner at 7! I can make it!

Next week is Thanksgiving, and I am excited for all the pumpkin goodness that is coming my way! I love pumpkin! Pumpkin cookies, pumpkin rolls, pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin bars, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin shakes, and there's a pumpkin ice cream that is a seasonal thing I guess? Count me in! That's definitely something I've got to try! But my point of bringing up pumpkins...begins with Thanksgiving. And I just wanted to make a list of some of the things that I'm thankful for. So here goes!

Thankful for #1: My incredible husband, Kohn! He is my rock. He helps me keep my chin up and stay positive when times are tough. He makes me feel like the most important person in the world. I am a stubborn person. If Kohn and I have a little misunderstanding he is always the first one to say sorry. He always fixes things and he is amazing. He is my best friend. And I am thankful I get to be with him for forever.
Thankful for #2: My daddio. Dad knows best. Being stubborn I never admitted it before, but I have learned through the years that my dad has been led by the spirit as he has raised my siblings and I. I can always tell when my dad is proud of me. And I am thankful I have known many times in my life that he is. I am grateful for his love and that he is so understanding and has always loved me even though I haven't quite been a perfect child! I love my dad!
Thankful for #3: My mamma! I can always talk to mom! If something is wrong, I know what number to call! I have always been able to tell her about sad times in my life, when someone has let me down, or I've let myself down, or anything...and she always listens and says the right things. I've also been able to talk to her about happy times and she always shows such excitement and makes me even more excited about what I'm telling her! My mom always helps me when I am in need. I love my mom!
Thankful for #4: Pappa Don & Mamma Kohn (Jean) other words, my parents-in-law, parent-in-laws...? You get the point! They were so accepting and welcoming as soon as Kohn and I started dating! There was never any contention with the "girlfriend and parents" that most people hear about! And that really was a huge blessing to me! I'm thankful for the teasing I receive from Don about my food touching and other things like being from Idaho. I really do love the teasing, it makes me feel more like family! I'm thankful Jean is always there to have a good conversation with and can make anyone feel comfortable. I'm thankful that although Kohn was only home from his mission for a little over a month when we met that they still support us and have been here for us! I love dad and mom #2!
Thankful for #5: Meagan, David, Angela, Rikki, JR, Shawn, Shannon, and Brad: I am so thankful for all my siblings! For my siblings I grew up with and for the good times we've had! For the deep conversations that I've been able to have with each of them, whether they are long or short or happen often or not. I am thankful that I always know I have a friend in them! For my new sisters, Angela and Shannon. For both being as involved as they were with my wedding and that they both threw awesome bridal showers for me! I'm thankful that I have more sisters in my life! I'm thankful for the many meals both of them have been so willing to feed me, I feel like I've taken a good majority of both their food ;) I also am grateful that Shannon is giving me a new niece and Angela is giving me either a niece or nephew...or both? ;) I am thankful for my new brothers, JR, Shawn, and Brad. Like Don, they have all had a good share of teasing me. It's always about the food. I am thankful that they have been so fun and have vandalized our car and our apartment...haha. I am thankful that they have been good examples to Kohn and have been examples for him to follow! I love all my siblings!
Thankful for #6: Alijah, Cole, Hallie, Breklyn, Baby Ward, and Baby Nielsen. I love kids so I am so thankful that I have these fun nieces and nephew! They always give me a good laugh and they make me feel super loved with their sweet little hugs. I am thankful that they were such good sports the day of our wedding and braved the cold to take pictures in their cute outfits! They were all freezing so it meant a lot to get the cute pictures we did with them! I am thankful that I get to be their aunt! I love my nieces and nephew!
Thankful for #7: My grandparents! I am thankful for all Grandma and Grandpa Turnbow do for Kohn and I! I am grateful that we are able to rent our apartment because of them! I am grateful that they got to be working in the session I was in to receive my endowments! I am thankful for their wonderful example in serving a mission and making me want to go on one with Kohn when we are able to do so! I am thankful for the support they have always shown me. I am thankful for the wonderful examples my Grandpa and Grandma Nielsen were to me. I'm thankful for the spunk Grandma had and that my Grandpa was a good example of strength! I'm thankful for how they raised my dad to be! For Grandpa and Grandma Thedell, for coming to celebrate our special wedding day with us! For Grandpa and Grandma McMurdie. That Grandpa was such a wonderful example for Kohn and that Grandma is being sooo strong right now! I love them all!
Thankful for #8: All my aunties and uncles and cousins! For...being such AMAZING decorators for my reception, for coming through my line at the reception a couple times to give me lots of hugs, for putting the wedding video together, for traveling a few hours to be with me on my special day, for still fitting me in with football ;) For all the hugs that they think I don't enjoy, for the teasing I get from them as well, and for their smiling faces! And especially for being my friends for 19 years! I know they love me and I definitely love them all so much!
Thankful for #9: My best fwends! I love all the laughs I've shared with every single one of them and I've loved just having good times and being able to relax with them! I'm grateful Andria was soooo amazing for our wedding! That girl did a great job helping out at the reception! And she even wore our wedding colors :) She's been my best friend since diapers, sometimes the...well I'll let her finish that sentence ;) she's been there for me through it ALL! And she still loves me even though I've had some episodes! Nicole Mathews Erickson! What a gem! We've only really known each other at a friendship level for a little over a year but I love her so much! She was my roommate during Winter 2011 semester and I love her! We always had good laughs and she was always there to talk to as well! We've had some good conversations since we've both been married and no longer able to live together anymore, and we will continue to do so! I can pretty much talk to her about anything! She is so funny and just the sweetest! She always said the right things! I have a ton of incredible friends and I love them all the same! :) I'm thankful for sooooo many other things too, but this would be mega super long if I continued to write them all down! So just to shorten's a few more things: health, good weather, heaters, deodorant, tooth paste, gum, time, my Savior, my religion, and the Atonement. I am so thankful for the sacrifices made in my behalf. There are tons of things to be thankful for! And I'm thankful for it all!

Monday, November 14, 2011

It happened, it's real....we're MARRIED!

Well....WE ARE MARRIED! It was such a HAPPY, HAPPY day! Loved it all! Seriously, whoever said wedding days are stressful didn't know. Well as far as the bride and groom are concerned. I can see how the families of the two lovebirds would be stressed, but as for the lovebirds themselves---nah! Our families were suuuuper great though! They made our wedding PERFECT! And we were definitely so lucky! Now, we are just living in that little apartment with yellow counter tops, loving life! We are still in the process of figuring out what to do with all our wonderful wedding presents and getting this little place all decorated up so it can feel like a home! :) oh yay! We went to our new ward yesterday, it was pretty fun. I got to introduce myself as Haley Thedell and tell them my HUSBAND and I just moved in! There were sooo many cute little kids, and it made me want my own. But instead Kohn is getting me a fish. It won't be anywhere near the same, but whatever, it's the thought that counts ;) and he is oh so sweet, so I accept! I want to name him honor of one of my favorite customers! Such a precious old man...anyways, life is good. Things are coming together, I love being a wife! However, getting a hang of the whole crafty, cooky business may take some time. Good thing Kohn loves me and can exercise some patience ;) it will be a fun ride that's for sure! We made some pecan waffles the other night, but  that's the extent of cooking we've done this past week! Because we've been out celebrating birthdays and being guinea pigs, thanks mom and dad Nielsen and Thedell! ;) 'Preciate it muchly! But now it's time to get cookin. We're starting our experience with Spanish Chicken. It's this delicious casserole type dish that my mom made when Kohn and I were first dating. And I guess he liked it, cause he requested it. Now I just hope I can do it. And not fail. I've taken after my mom in the crafty department so I better take after her in her Spanish Chicken cooking skills, hehehe :) Oh I must say I made some delish muffins for breakfast the other morning. Betty Crocker is such a gem! Anyways...I'll post some pictures of the cute apartment once it is all done, because it is a MESS right now. We have to get it done by Wednesday though, because that's when the bishopric is coming to visit, and I want a nice place! That's my dad coming out in me! So...for now, I'm going to go do some cleaning. And here is a little sneak peek of wedding pictures taken by my very talent brother-in-law Shawn! Enjoy!

 We love our nieces and nephew!
 My beautiful new nieces!
 Kohn and our nephew!
 Visiting Grandma McMurdie! We HAD to see her! :)
 All so thrilled!
 Beautiful cake! Thanks Teauna! :)
 Some Pepperidge friends that still love us! :)
 Cute sign made by my new sister-in-law Shannon! 
 Centerpiece! My daddy found it! 
 My cousin Rachel! Love her! :) And mom's hugging Caitlyn, love her too!
 Some delicious candy! There's still plenty! Take some! :)
 I got the cute magnet thing in the middle from my aunt Carol at a bridal shower! :)
 For some reason the two above pictures are together! But, there's the cake at another angle, and our fabulous car...
 She was incredible! She came to the temple, helped at the breakfast, and the reception! And that's her brother! :)
 The man behind the camera and my sexy husband! ;)
 The best friend, Andria! She was also sooo helpful at the reception! Love her! 
 Oh these two...I knew they'd be friends from the start :)
 Just eating some swedish fish before they were all gone :)
 Oh ya know, Kohn just getting my garter with his teeth! 
BAM! I had to blow frosting out of my nose...

There are TONS more pictures! Shawn took a lot more than this, but like I said, this is a sneak peak! :) My sister-in-law, Angela, also did an awesome job and we'll have to get her pictures too! And then of course coming out of the temple our amazing photographer, Melanie Gunnell was there! We're excited to get all the pictures together and share them with everyone! Be looking for them on Facebook! :)  

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Marriage is what gathers us togetha...Saturday :)

That's right, folks. The time is FINALLY here! I have to say, it felt like it took 10 million years, but now I'm wondering where in the world the time went! I guess that's how most things turn out though, huh?

I went to the temple to receive my endowments October 29. Wowwwww. It was, well....I don't know how to describe it. But it's a good thing! I am so happy that I get to spend eternity with Kohn by my side! :)

I have to say, starting my job at ICON was definitely a blessing in disguise. It has brought me closer to my Heavenly Father. How so? Well I would pray for Him to be with me every morning before I got out of my car and walked up those painfully long stairs. And now, I can do my job just fine, but still feel like something is missing when I don't start my day off with that little prayer before my day really begins. So I always start with that personal prayer. Let me tell you a story that goes with this....

Last week I got off about a half hour early one day cause there wasn't too many calls coming in. So, before I went to work, I made sure to say a special prayer, and maybe asked to possibly get off work early :) Well that didn't happen, oh no, Heavenly Father had better things in store for me. My original days off of work for the upcoming days were Friday, Saturday, and Monday. Well...I come back from one of my 15 minute breaks and my boss just randomly tells me I'm not working tomorrow (Thursday). I was really confused and she just casually proceeded to tell me that she wanted me to have the time I needed to get ready for my wedding so I wasn't working. Ooooh yeah, that's LOTS better than getting off a half hour early! So you see, had this not happened I would be finishing up at work right now. Instead I have been able to get almost all my homework done that's due up til next Wednesday! Just two more assignments! Heavenly Father watches out for us...we just have to let Him in.

I'm about to get crackin' on my packin' and cleaning of the apartment. I'm loving it, I'm able to get a lot accomplished and still find time to do some quality blogging! Tomorrow will be fun! All day long is devoted to preparation for Saturday, the day I marry my best friend! So I'm so super glad that within the next couple hours school disappears for a couple days! :)

Oh, so Kohn came over for lunch today. We booked a trip to Kentucky for the week before Christmas. Kentucky is where Kohn went on his mission! He's pretty excited to see people again and I'm excited to get to meet all these wonderful people he has told me about! :) Anyways, when Kohn left to go back to work that  was good-bye until we see each other at the temple on Saturday!!! That fact makes it seem like Saturday will never get here, but it will! It's just crazy stuff! And I can't believe it's here! I'm staying at my parents house on Friday night, so tonight is my last night sleeping in this apartment as a single woman! Haha. Crazy.

I'm preparing myself for how weird it will be when I don't have to kick Kohn out at nights, or when we don't have to keep the door wide open, but I don't think there's any way to really prepare for that. I'm just ready to embrace the weirdness of it all! I'm about to dive into a brand new lifestyle, one of which I have no idea of what all to expect, but I'm excited to dive into it with my best friend! :)

 Here's to our never ending journey of eternity!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thinking "Out Loud"

Deep breaths....deeeeeeeep breaths. I'm just a little overwhelmed right now. So much is going on and I'm just starting to realize some things.

Numero uno, training is over. That means it is just about time for me to be out on the phones by MYSELF, with no one to tell me what to tell the angry customers, I have to figure it out on my own, and figure out how to fix a treadmill, bike, elliptical, or even a weight system....errrrr? What?! I keep being told that it takes a good 2.5 months to have it all really click, it's my boss that keeps telling me that, but I have the type of personality where I want to feel comfortable in it NOW and know I can do it NOW! I guess I'm just going to have to deal. Because that sure is not happening NOW. Thank goodness it's almost the weekend...

Numero dos, I'm still a full-time student and I still have a lot of homework. But do I still have the motivation or energy to do my homework after a long day of work? Negative. Craaaap. You see, I should be writing a report that's due tomorrow night at 8, or doing a science lab that is due tomorrow as well, but instead I am here...complaining. Oh shux, I'm sorry. Enough of that.

My life is changing all around me, uh duh! I should have known this when I said yes to Kohn and slipped that gorgeous ring on my finger! I have to cook, I have to clean (I already did those things before, but now I have to REALLY cook, not just ramen), I have to be extra more careful with my money...I don't go to class on campus and interact with my classmates in person, I go to class online and type at my classmates. I don't go to the library and do group projects. I don't get on campus at 7:45 in the morning and not leave until 7 at night anymore. I don't get to go to the gym every night like I used to and spend more than an hour there. Now I have to try to find time for that all. I have to work 8 hours of my day, make sure the apartment is clean, make sure we get fed, make sure we actually have groceries, and THEN I can do homework (because I'm sorry, but Kohn is more important to me than my homework haha), and then I can see if I have time to work out. Which is not much fun for me, because I'm a freak about that kind of thing, and I always think that because I miss one day of working out that I just instantly gained 10 pounds, and really, it's ridiculous. BUT...I'm not complaining. I'll take this all to be with Kohn for eternity. It is soooo worth it. As much as I loved the student life, because I really did love just being in the library doing my homework, I love Kohn much much more!

Last night we had our final interviews to get our temple recommends, we passed with flying colors by the way :) and well...we left the interview with both of us being super baby hungry! hahaha huh?!? Yeah...President Sallisbury talked about being parents and how we shouldn't wait tooooo long. But don't worry, it will still be AT LEAST a year. It's so crazy to think of us as being parents though! Goodness we're not even married yet, but we will be in like 15 days! :) It's 16, but tomorrow will be 15, and it's practically tomorrow. So yeah :)

I don't know, I'm stressing lately, and I just need to breath. Writing definitely helps me calm down, so this has helped a lot. Sorry that it was all basically ranting and raving, but sometimes we all need to do it, and this is the best way for me to do it right now :)

Next post will be extra positive, promise! :)

Oh, just thought I'd say I love this boy! :)

                                                                      Peace & Blessins

Monday, October 17, 2011

I know a Mormon boy, he is my pride and joy....

I usually start a post with a title set and what I want to say pretty much lined out...but not this time. This time I just got on to write a post because I wanted to write. Well, mainly I wanted to brag about how amazing my wonderful fiance is! :)

He has made me so happy from day one! But just recently I've been realizing all over again just how lucky I am, how blessed I am! There are a million and ten things about Kohn that just make me smile the biggest, cheesiest smile!

Kohn is one of the most thoughtful people you will ever meet, he puts his best foot forward to make sure EVERYONE feels good about themselves. And that's only one of the many reasons that I love him. But obviously, there are many more! Here's just a FEW great things....

So I've recently started my new job, and let's be honest, it's not easy. Training is a week and a half, and we're down to 2 days left. Well, towards the end of last week I was starting to freak out a little bit, well a lot bit. I'll admit, I cried some. BECAUSE I am nervous and sorta stressing about everything in the world right now. I don't know much about the mechanics of treadmills, ellipticals, bikes, etc....and that's what I'm supposed to know. But of course, that's what the training is for. Well one day in particular, the training wasn't exactly making very much sense to me, AT ALL, and Kohn came and saw me on one of my breaks. To sum it up: he asked how it was going, and of course the tears started to emerge. He got this concerned look on his face, seriously the most sincere thing. Then he started saying things that made me feel like I was going to be the best at this job. That's how he is with everything though, he makes me feel like numero uno!

Also, Saturday was bridals! Yay! They were lots of fun, the weather was perfect, and Kohn looked super snazzy! :) My dress has a looooooong train and it's pretty great fun. Well Kohn was the sweetest little guy and carried it around for the hour and a half we were doing pictures! And he made me feel beauuutiful! He was pretty much pounding it in my head, which is great of him because I struggle to believe it myself some times. He always makes me feel beautiful though, even when I'm in his big sweats with no make up. Oh I love him!

Sunday Kohn spoke in church. He did AMAZING and made his mom and myself tear up. After he was done his mom leaned over to me and asked if I was ready to be a bishop's wife soon. Well...I better be. In fact, I'm the next Sister Monson ;)

I have some silly concerns in life and sometimes just need  to talk about them and vent. And when I have these moments I do not shut up. Sometimes I think I'm driving Kohn crazy, especially after I've finished one rant 20 minutes later. But he just smiles at me, adds his two cents, then gives me a sweet kiss and tells me he loves me. I can talk to him about anything, thank goodness, because it's supposed to be that way. But, I never hesitate and wonder if he'll be upset...even if I know he'll be upset I still go for it ;) haha that's just how comfortable we are with each other. He's my best friend.

At my last bridal shower I got SPOILED. We got a TON of incredible things and I think we are going to be pretty well off for the beginning of our marriage! One thing I got was a bedside table from my momma and sisterssss! Kohn had to assemble it. So, I did homework and he put it together. He is such a perfectionist, it's precious. He put a little, itty bitty "scrape type thing" in the wood, but it's covered now with another piece of wood. But he was upset with himself. I told him it was okay, it was just going in our room, I couldn't see it anyway and it looked great. But then he proceeded to tell me that if he had been putting it together just for himself he wouldn't have cared so much, but since he was doing it for me it was a big deal. Because he wanted it to be perfect for did I get so lucky?

Kohn keeps me in line. ALL the time. When we were doing bridals our dear mothers were there, and of course while we were taking pictures they were doing their thing and talking about us, the wedding, all that good stuff. My mom mentioned how Kohn is so good for me because sometimes I stress a little too much, I'll admit it, it's true, but Kohn is able to calm me down. I never thought much of it but now that I do think of it, that is soooo true. I freak out about things I have no control over, and then Kohn reminds me that I have no control over it, and I instantly feel better. Lots of other people have said that same thing to me before, and it's never worked. I guess just the fact that it's coming from Kohn makes it work.

He also keeps me in line as far as money is concerned. Let's just say if it wasn't for him we would probably be poor like a week into our marriage. Because I'm not smart when it comes to saving/spending/whatevs...maybe he'll rub off on me one day! :)

Kohn is such a great sport! We were looking through mission pictures yesterday and there are so many great pictures with him and a bunch of little kids. One of my very favorites though was one where he had like 3 little girls around him, doing his hair and make up :) he looked very beautiful! Also, one Sunday we were at his house and his nieces were there. I don't really remember what brought it on, but Kohn got his toenails painted bright pink and bright purple. Not only his toenails, but his toes too. They also looked beautiful as well! Then, on Saturday, before bridals I wanted to get a pedicure and get my nails done. So Kohn came with me. He sat by my side and got a pedicure too, and got a manicure. It was fun to do with him! And he is still very manly! ;)        

   What an amazing man I am marrying! I truly am the luckiest girl in the entire world! I am excited to spend forever and always with him, starting in like 18.5 days! :) There are so many experiences to have and I'm excited to experience them all with my best friend!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Can I get your number with the area code first, please?

Did you know....when I was running on the treadmill the other day and I hit the speed up button I knew that the console was sending a 5 voltage d/c signal to the motor controller through the blue wire...if I needed to adjust my  running belt I could with no problem and know exactly which way to turn each bolt? Yeaaaaaahh.I'm pretty much a treadmill professional.....or not so much.

 Almost everything that they say in training for my new job is just a little bit confusing for my peewee brain. In one ear, out the other. Everyone keeps saying it will get better...all I know is they better be right, or I'm not making it past the 2 month probation period! ;)

So, what exactly is my job? I don't think I ever quite said. Well, when I took the job, my understanding of it was that I'll be answering phone calls and assisting ICON customers...I might have heard the word troubleshooting a couple of times but didn't realize how intense that word was! Now that I've been in training for a week my new understanding of the job is...I'm pretty much a little technician that angry customers can speak to over the phone. I've gotta know all the nitty gritty about the treadmills, bikes, ellipticals, etc....and help customers figure out what is wrong with their machine, and figure out the diagnosis. All over the phone. Phone conversations are hard as it is. Oh well, I will succeed....I've still got 3 days of training before I'm on the phone by myself...oh my, I didn't realize how little time that was until now :/ wish me luck!

Anyways....enough about that. So. Um. 20 days til I get to marry the love of my life! Those 20 days are just going to fly! Being super busy, and always trying to fit time in for everything, there's no way the time could go slow! The closer it gets the more real it seems. It's just starting to become real? Really Haley? Well...yeah. Only because the past months I've felt like I was just in a little fairy-tale. Ya know, with my prince charming and all! But it's like...the other day I bought my temple clothing and my garments...buying that stuff made it seem more real than anything has so far. Even more real than when I bought my wedding dress!

Today we are doing bridals. We are doing the whole "Black Tie Session" which is indeed the ones where the groom comes along with me. Some people are against it because he's not supposed to see my dress til our wedding day, but let's face it, November 5th is more than likely going to be a bit too chilly for my liking. So if we could just have to worry about group pictures and what not at the temple and not worry about spending an extra hour out there doing Kohn and I, then I am definitely going for it!

So we'll just be doing bridals around the temple today, and from some places where you can see the temple in the background, like a parking garage at USU. I'm soooo excited! It definitely helps that our photographer is awesome! Which reminds me, I got the engagement pictures up...on Facebook...the CD wouldn't play on my computer, so we just added them from my parents computer. I'll have to see if I can add them here from facebook....hmmm....

Alright, so it would take me 10 million years to add all the pictures the way I added this one, so I'll just share this one. Which is definitely my favorite! However, we didn't use it on our announcement. Odd. Oh well, it's going to be blown up into a big frame at the reception :)

Holy goodness, I'm ecstatic! And life is good, even if my job scares me! I'm starting to manage my time better, so maybe I'll be able to post here a little bit more. But, who am I kidding, once I get married I probably won't have a lot of time to post so much. We've already got boxes and bags and tons of things all over our apartment that we just don't know what to do with! Let's just say I've been spoiled at bridal showers so far...and there's still more to come! :)