Thursday, December 5, 2013

Due Date.

Today is due date and Nixon is definitely not giving us any indication that he'll be coming today. He's just too cozy in there, I guess. So yes, I am still fat and pregnant. At my doctors appointment on Tuesday I was only dilated to a 1 and a quarter, so unless I progress fast when I start to progress we could still have a few days before we meet our little man. I've had many people tell me that they stayed at a 1 until they went into labor, but I've also had many people tell me that they'd sit at a 3 or 4 for weeks. So, yes, everyone is different, but I hope I'm a 1 until labor.

I've been lucky because I haven't had to deal with painful contractions, just annoying braxton hicks that seem to be mocking me...but, at least I haven't dealt with the painful ones for the last 4 weeks. I hope I'm like my mom. With Meagan, she didn't have any contractions, like me. Her water broke, and then she started having the painful contractions, and had Meagan 2 hours later. I'd take that.

My next doctors appointment is set for Tuesday, the 10th. I hope I don't make it to that appointment, but with my luck I will make it there. But that should be my last appointment, because then we would get to figure out a for sure induction time. I reallllly just want to go into labor before then.

I don't want to get into a griping fest about how I'm so done being pregnant so I will just wrap this up.

*Nixon is the size of a the last appointment Dr. N said he'll maybe be 7 pounds, but before that he was guessing I guess we'll just see.
*Nixon could come ANY DAY NOW.

How far along? 40 weeks... 
Total weight gain/loss: Enough.
Sleep: I actually have been sleeping like a baby lately..I know that won't last much longer. 
Best moment this week? It's fun tickling his bum and having him go crazy over it. 
Miss anything? Bending, breathing, walking normal, belly sleeping, but of course I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Movement? Oh yes! 
Food cravings: Chocolate chip granola bars...there seems to be a pattern with chocolate
Have you started to show yet? Uhh....
Gender? BOY!!!!! I don't know what we'd do if he ended up being a she though. We'd laugh about it eventually ;) 
Labor signs? Little things keep happening that show me the time is drawing closer, but nothing too exciting.
Belly button in or out? I am declaring it out. 
Wedding rings on or off? Off :( all jewelry is off. 
Happy or moody most of the time? If he doesn't make his grand entrance this week I'm going to be quite moody.
Looking forward to: Nixon coming!!!! He's allowed to now, so he should. My brother decided Nixon and Jaxon made a pact in heaven that they would both come late...Ang and I really appreciate it.

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