Monday, December 5, 2011

1 Month Down, Zillions To Go...and SUPER Excited About It! :)

Today is December 5th, we got married November 5th....and can I just say that the last month FLEW! And the funny thing is...I still don't feel married. I wake up to Kohn every morning but still....nothing. I just live with this guy, pack his lunches, do his dishes...haha all that good stuff. But I AM MARRIED. Maybe it'll hit me eventually! :) I just wanted to take a minute here to just express how blessed I am to be married to the man I am married to. He is so incredible. Kohn is super thoughtful, caring, and really just wants me to be happy. And you can sure bet I am way happy! :)

We're still on the honeymoon so we haven't had to deal with anything huge yet, so we still like each other ;) we're going to Kentucky in 12 days, practically 11 :) I cannot wait to meet all the people he loves and talks so highly about all the time! And really I'm just excited to hear them talk, I love that twang! :) I'm excited to travel with my love and just relax! For once! Since we only got a weekend after we got married this whole week in Kentucky is very much needed and it cannot get here soon enough! And then we get back and celebrate CHRISTMAS! Our first Christmas married, let alone together! Haha pretty much every first holiday together is spent married, other than like Halloween and all the summer holiday's, but barely!

Our Christmas tree is looking pretty great! The 4 presents has evolved to...TONS! I don't feel like counting! But I'd say we've definitely spoiled each other, and it's for sure been fun! Thanks for all the generous wedding money, you have made Christmas possible for Kohn and I ;) plus the fact that we both have jobs, we are pretty lucky!

Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we're here for something else besides ourselves.

I love my Kohn! :) 

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