Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Life is Good

Happy Wednesday! Tomorrow is my day off, and I just got back from a fabulous fall run, so it is a happy Wednesday! My spirits are high!

I'm super excited for tomorrow, though it will be a busy day! I get to see Nicole! Eeeeee :) I think I mentioned it in my last post, but I am just really excited! It's been way too long since I saw her cute self!

I feel like I've had a pretty productive day. Even though 10.5 hours of my day were spent at work....but still. For the time I've been home I've gotten things done. For instance, this morning I woke up, got ready, and got dinner going in the crockpot, I came home for lunch and straightened up, I got home from work and ate, cleaned, got some laundry going, ran, and am now writing this. Then I'll do some dishes and work on some CDA stuff. For a day spent at work I've done pretty good.

I do want to get a decent night sleep though, sometimes I think that since I don't have to work the next day I can just stay up all night, but then I wake up early to get things done...I don't really understand why I think that way. I don't even know if that made sense. But. My point is...that I'm going to get going with my thankfulness so I can get things done to get to bed on time.

#274...I am thankful for my new (used) washer and dryer! I've only done one load since we've got them, but I can already tell what a difference it's going to make!

#275...I am thankful for the difference I can see, only after 3 days, that reading scriptures makes. I've stuck to that goal 100% so far, and really can already see a difference. And it's good.

#276...I am thankful for the days when it stays light longer outside. It is no good when I get home from work and have to run right away otherwise it's too dark a little bit later. I used to be able to get home, eat dinner, and give my food time to digest. Tonight, I ran as soon as I was done eating. And it kind of hurt. And still got dark before I got home. I miss the light nights!

I'm reading my scriptures every night, I haven't done the Tour de France bike yet...hehe oops, and I am definitely eating healthier than last week. Though I do still enjoy a small piece of chocolate some times.

Life is good. Keep on keeping on!

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