Sunday, January 29, 2012

27, 28, & 29.

Alright...I am just a bit behind. But I am going to catch up now. It's been a fun weekend so it's definitely been worth falling behind! Friday we got home from work, went birthday shopping for my brother, then even though we said we wouldn't...we went out to eat. Cafe Sabor. How could I say no? Then we came home to do homework....bluck. Saturday morning: woke up, went to the Temple (second time that week, whoot whoot!), went to Olive Garden with the fam because my cousin just did her endowments, then we went home and finished up homework. Then we went out to Weston and had dinner with my family, it was David's birthday! And we played shanghai and watched Baby Mama! Which is hilarious, and I recommend it! Oh and then we got home around midnight and finally took our redbox movies back, that we got like a week ago...ha. Whoops. So today is Sunday. We went to church, taught our primary kiddies, and then drove out to Weston to have some Sunday dinner with the fam and chill. Good times. So now we're still chilling in Weston waiting for our laundry to finish before we head on home. So since I am kind of dull and boring I'll just cut to the point and get my last couple "thankfuls" in.

#27...I am thankful that I get to work with one of my best friends! when I took the full time job we needed to hire a new part time person. So, Andria applied! And she got it! Wahooooo! It will make my life a little less stressful and I'm just really excited!

#28...I am thankful that my husband can laugh at himself. We were running into Olive Garden and he took a little tumble. Don't ask me how it happened, but he just slipped on the concrete and BAM! He was rolling around on the floor. He was embarrassed but he was able to just laugh it off instead of just pout like some people would. It was a good laugh and I enjoyed it, but I'm glad he's not hurt! ;)

#29...I am thankful for little kids that listen. So we have a pretty good primary class. Some are better than others. There is one kid that I always have to get after and then there is this precious little girl named Rachel that is a gem! She answers all the questions, listens carefully, and is just PERFECT. She has the sweetest, quietest little voice, and she is just so cute! She makes our calling easier! And we appreciate it. is still good. Grand. Great. Whatever word you want to use. Still lovin it all.

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