Saturday, January 21, 2012

I Love To See The Temple!

Happy Saturday everyone! Woke up at 8:30, had some delicious Special K cereal, went to the bank, got some monies, chatted with mom, went to Lynette's, got our hairs cut all beautifully, and then went and fixed a treadmill. Yes, I even helped contribute. I guess my time at ICON did some good and I did learn something! Then we headed over to mi casa and got some fake glasses and chatted with pops! My dad is an awesome individual and I commend him for what he did to my older sister Meagan last night! Mwahaha! He is a genius and I'm glad he knows how to text! And fake glasses? Why did I get fake glasses? Well one of our little boys at day care just got glasses...he's the only one with glasses so he was having a hard time the other day. So I remembered I had my glasses so I told him I'd wear some too! So now I'll look like a smart preschool teacher! ;) Kohn said he thought I looked good when I wore them so maybe I'll wear them more than just at work! Haha! now I've just been doing homework, chugging along, and Kohn is reffing some basketball games! Homework done, and Kohn is on his last game! Preschool lessons are planned for this week....except a few touch ups I can do's time to relax this Saturday night. Or at least do something fun together! We had all these great plans for yesterday but by the time we got back from work we were just pooped, so  that's why it turned into a lazy friday! So we'll see if Kohn's not too pooped after 4 hours of reffing! We were going to go to the temple tonight...but of course we're the only ones in the world that don't know it is shut down for maintenance. Oh well, it opens Monday! So now here's what I'm thankful for...

#21-I am thankful that we have a temple so near by! We go for runs past it most Saturdays...when weather permits! But that just shows how close it is! I am so glad it is there for us! If one day I decide I need some good temple time I can just go. Some people don't have it that easy! They have to plan to drive hours to get to one! We have a goal to go to the temple twice a month! So it may not happen January because of maintenance but it's a goal we'll continually work to! Twice a month for now, maybe more later on...when life isn't so crazy!

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